COVIDSafe Plan - Seeds Photography
This plan applies to all indoor studio and outdoor sessions with Jenny Goddard of Seeds Photography, as of the 1st November, 2021.
As part of the requirements to opening up Melbourne after many long months of lockdown, all businesses are required to have a COVIDSafe Plan to keep us all safe. I will follow the guidelines issued by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and update my COVIDSafe Plan to reflect any changes to those guidelines. If you have any questions about my plan, please get in touch.
Business Name: Seeds Photography
ABN: 88298909293
Completed By: Jenny Goddard
Date Reviewed: 1st November, 2021
Vaccinations and checking-in
The photographer is double vaccinated and will provide evidence of such upon request.
All participants aged 12+, at the time of their photoshoot, must be double vaccinated or have a written medical exemption.
At the commencement of all photoshoots all participants aged 16+ will be required to check-in via the photographer's QR code.
At the time of checking-in all participants must provide evidence of their vaccination status, either via the Service Victoria app or by providing a digital or printed copy of their vaccination record.
Ensure physical distancing
Both the client and the photographer must remain a minimum of 1.5 metres from each other where possible.
Only clients from the same household can attend sessions (maximum 5).
Wear a face mask covering
A filtered face mask will be worn by the photographer at all times throughout the photography session.
Clients and children over the age of 12 must also wear a face mask except during the times they are being professionally photographed.
Practice good hygiene
Upon entering the studio please use the hand sanitiser supplied.
Vigilant hand and cough hygiene will be maintained at all times by the photographer and client.
The studio will undergo a deep clean and wiping down of all touch surfaces and bathroom facilities prior to each session with hospital grade disinfectant.
Camera equipment, props, blankets etc will be thoroughly cleaned and laundered between each client.
Record keeping and act quickly if anyone is unwell
Contact details for all persons in attendance must be supplied.
In the event of the photographer coming into contact with a person with COVID-19, Work Safe Victoria will be notified immediately and all contact details will be provided.
The importance of rescheduling if any family member is unwell will be reinforced and is applicable to both the client and the photographer. If any member of your household is unwell prior to your session (anything from a runny nose, slight cough etc) please contact the studio to reschedule. As your photographer, if I, or a member of my household becomes unwell, I will do the same and reschedule your session as a precaution.
To reschedule your session in the case of illness, please call on 0419 572 200 or email the studio.