Kerry & Michael's story...

"Michael and I seem to do things in fives. We met on the 5th of the month and were married exactly five years later. Five years is also the time it took for us to finally become parents.

Michael was born with a medical condition called bladder exstrophy. He had to go through many surgeries as a child and we knew early on that the condition may make it difficult for us to conceive children naturally.

We always knew we wanted children and decided it was time to try to fulfill that dream in 2012. Unfortunately it still became apparent that we would not be able to fall pregnant without help so in 2013, just after we were married we decided to jump onto the IVF Roller Coaster.

The five years following have been some of the toughest years either of us have ever experienced. We underwent seven rounds of IVF and with each unsuccessful round our dream seemed further and further away. Prior to our 8th round of IVF we decided to take a six month break to try to de stress ourselves and concentrate on becoming physically and mentally healthier.

After our 8th round of IVF we had one embryo suitable for use. The embryo was a little behind in its development and we were sure that we would be disappointed again. However the embryo proved to be a fighter and eventually we heard the words we had been longing to hear for so long “You’re Pregnant”.

An anxious nine months followed. With every blood test and scan we were a bundle of nerves and so afraid that everything thing would be taken away from us. However, our baby has always been a fighter and she proved that she belongs in this world with us. On Australia Day this year we welcomed Emma Betty into our lives.

Michael and I now spend hours gazing adoringly on the little girl we always dreamed of having and feel so lucky that Emma chose us to be her parents."


To My Emma,

Your Daddy and I have dreamed of holding you in our arms for many years now. One thing I can promise you is that you will always know how incredibly much you are wanted and loved. You are our everything 💕

Love Mummy xxx

For more Melbourne newborn and baby photography please visit my newborn and baby galleries. I also specialise in artistic maternity photography in Melbourne. For bookings and further information on maternity, newborn and baby photography sessions please contact me via the contact page or call me directly on 0419 572 200.

Organic, simple and elegant newborn and baby photography, Melbourne.

newbornsJenny Goddard